4.8 Video/Audio



  1. Meme nach LuisGamequbaChannel auf deviantart.com

4.8.1 Geeignete Alternativen für Videos und Audios


  1. Reduced Motion Auto-Playing Videos and Background Animations – Scott O'Hara
  2. Media Queries in HTML Video – Adrian Roselli
  3. Audio and Video Accessibility Techniques – Deque University

4.8.2 Mediaplayer


  1. Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT): Cue Settings – MDN Web Docs
  2. Adding captions and subtitles to HTML5 video – MDN Web Docs
  3. Adding captions and subtitles to HTML5 video – MDN Web Docs
  4. <audio>: The Embed Audio element – MDN Web Docs
  5. Browser Video Players Review – Adrian Roselli
  6. Accessible audio and video controls – MDN Web Docs
  7. Issue 235005395: [a11y] Chrome does not expose video captions to screen readers – Google Issue Tracker
  8. YouTube embed, WCAG compliant – 200 OK
  9. Vimeo embed, WCAG compliant – 200 OK
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