4.6 Links und Buttons

4.6.1 Links vs. Buttons


  1. Buttons, Links, and Focus – tempertemper
  2. Some Pointers on Default Cursors – Hidde de Vries
  3. When Design Breaks Semantics – tempertemper
  4. Zum Beispiel Menschen mit Lese- und Rechtschreibstörung und Menschen mit der Restsehkraft
  5. Remove button role from start link – GitHub Issue #272
  6. Buttons vs. Links – Eric Eggert
  7. Links, Buttons, Submits, and Divs, Oh Hell – Adrian Roselli
  8. Should I Use a Button or a Link? – Ashlee M Boyer
  9. If You Need a Link, Don’t Use a Button – tempertemper

4.6.2 Links


  1. G183: Using a contrast ratio of 3:1 with surrounding text and providing additional visual cues on focus for links or controls where color alone is used to identify them – W3C
  2. WCAG 2.0 and Link Colors – WebAIM
  3. Link Contrast Checker – WebAIM
  4. Placeholder Links – Scott O'Hara
  5. Disabling a link – Scott O'Hara
  6. Link Targets and 3.2.5 – Adrian Roselli
  7. G200: Opening new windows and tabs from a link only when necessary – W3C
  8. Removing the external link icon from GOV.UK – Design in government
  9. Nested Links Without Nesting Links – Sara Soueidan
  10. Barrierefreie Cards erstellen: Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung – Gehirngerecht Digital
  11. Cards – Inclusive Components

4.6.3 Buttons


  1. Under-Engineered Toggles – Adrian Roselli
  2. Playing with State: A11y and the Checkbox Hack – Sarah Higley
  3. Toggles Suck – Axess Lab
  4. Toggle Button – Inclusive Components
  5. Under-Engineered Toggles Too – Adrian Roselli
  6. On Designing and Building Toggle Switches – Sara Soueidan
  7. Umschalter – Barrierefreie Gestaltung von User Interface-Elementen
  8. Matuzović, Manuel. Web Accessibility Cookbook. O’Reilly, 2024.
  9. Einfache erweiternde bzw. reduzierende Schaltflächen (Disclosures) – Barrierefreie Buttons brauchen oft ARIA
  10. HTMLElement: toggle event – MDN Web Docs
  11. Details / Summary Are Not [insert control here] – Adrian Roselli
  12. Matuzović, Manuel. Web Accessibility Cookbook. O’Reilly, 2024.

4.6.4 "Klicken Sie hier" und weitere hilfreiche Linktexte


  1. The WebAIM Million: WCAG Conformance – WebAIM
  2. Accessible University Demo Site – Inaccessible Version – University of Washington
  3. Voice Control Usability Considerations For Partially Visually Hidden Link Names – Smashing Magazine

4.6.5 Icon-Buttons und -Links


  1. What I Wish Was in WCAG: Prohibit Icon-Only Buttons – tempertemper
  2. The Best Icon Is a Text Label – Thomas Byttebier
  3. How Icons Are Ruining Interfaces – Axess Lab
  4. Tori Clark Talks About Visible Labels and Dragon – Zencastr
  5. Accessible Icon Buttons – Sara Soueidan
  6. Buttons and the Baader–Meinhof Phenomenon – Manuel Matuzović
  7. Images as the First Thing in a Button or Link – tempertemper

4.6.6 Große Ziele und Treffsicherheit


  1. Tap Targets – Chrome Developers
  2. Media Queries Level 4: Pointer – W3C
  3. Interaction Media Features and Their Potential (for Incorrect Assumptions) – CSS-Tricks
  4. Large Touch Targets – The A11Y Project
  5. Enhancing The Clickable Area Size – Ahmad Shadeed
  6. Target Size and 2.5.5 – Adrian Roselli
  7. Looking at WCAG 2.5.5 for Better Target Sizes – CSS-Tricks
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