4.2 Seitenstruktur

4.2.1 Landmarks


  1. Assistive Technology: ARIA Landmarks Example – W3C
  2. Labeling Regions – W3C Web Accessibility Tutorials
  3. The main element – HTML Living Standard
  4. HTML Sectioning Elements: ARIA Landmarks Example – W3C
  5. General Principles: ARIA Landmarks Example – W3C

4.2.2 Skiplinks


  1. Inclusively Hidden – Scott O'Hara

4.2.3 Überschriften und logische Struktur


  1. Screen Reader User Guide – Deque University
  2. Screen Reader User Survey #10: Headings – WebAIM
  3. Screen Reader User Survey #10: Findings – WebAIM
  4. Heading Off Confusion: When Do Headings Fail WCAG? – TPGi
  5. H64: Using the title attribute of the iframe element – W3C
  6. Hush Sweet IFrame – HTML Accessibility
  7. Subheadings, Subtitles, Alternative Titles, and Taglines in HTML – TPGi
  8. Equivalent Experience Can Cut Both Ways – Eric Bailey
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