2.7 Tastaturbedienbarkeit: Was hat eine Apple-Maus mit der Barrierefreiheit zu tun?



  1. Reddit: r/MechanicalKeyboards
  2. GitHub: marcysutton/no-mouse-days

2.7.1 Per Tastatur erreichbar und bedienbar


  1. Safari keyboard shortcuts on Mac – Apple Support
  2. Keyboard Accessibility for macOS – Deque University
  3. Keyboard Accessibility – WebAIM
  4. How-to: Use the tabindex attribute – The A11Y Project
  5. tabbable – GitHub
  6. InteractivityChecker – Angular Material
  7. :focusable Selector – jQuery UI API Documentation

2.7.2 Keyboard-Events


  1. Analyze keyboard support on forms – Microsoft Edge Developer documentation
  2. A Complete Guide to Links and Buttons – CSS-Tricks
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